Wednesday, April 15, 2009


For a change, these are not infrared but pinhole photographs taken with a can of Altoids, about five years ago. Combination of Pinhole and Altoids = Pintoids. They are fun to work with, although you need a dark room to load, unload and process the negatives. The pictures here are scans from the negatives after being inverted.

Part of Deb's yard a couple of houses ago:

From the entrance to the apartment where I used to live:

Part of Deb's yard and the front of her van:

And just more yard:

I haven't processed film for several years now, but just looking at them makes me want to do it again. Maybe this summer ....


The Flying Pinto said...

Hey, those are pretty cool pics! They look like negatives but! I love photography but never did learn how to develop in the dark room. I really started taking an interest once digital came around.

Thanks for sharing Albert: )

Albert said...

They come as negatives after I developed them. And then, the magic of scanning and digital processing made the rest ;)

They make me want to do it again !!!